Reza Entesari Makes Speech after Release from Evin



Reza Entesari minutes after his release from Evin prison in a video message expressed hope that law is maintained and practiced in all bodies of the society.
Majzooban Noor added that Mr. Entesari who has been freed after four years this morning, 23 Mordad 1394 (August 14, 2015) in a short message expressed hope that someday would come and law is enforced and practiced, and rulers and performers of law who are virtuous and elected officials, in their perspective and view, should consider and respect law as the result of authority and people’s choice, not as a means to exercise power in their hands.
It should be cited that still three dervishes called Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani, Mostafa Abdi and Kasra Nouri are being held in jails of Tehran and Nezam of Shiraz, and also seven are on long-term exile and even lifelong exile in cities far from their hometowns.

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