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When our enemy puts to the sword, we throw the shield

If grief intends to slay us,
Saghi (bartender) and I will be united and radicalize it … From Hafiz …

Through years, when persecution had been licentious in the society, the underdogs’ voice from anywhere and in variant forms has been raised, but these days the pressure on Darvīshes and religious minorities has been profound more than any other time. In recent days we have faced to serious conflicts with Darvīshes under the religion’s title, sometime for the excuse of destroying Hoseiniehes (the locations of Darvīshes’ pray and rites) and sometime for the excuse of religious rites.

This time in a tribal area, Darvīshes have been persecuted again, they have been shot, their home and stores have been fired, their solicitors have been arrested, and at hospitals they were not safe and … until on Monday 14 Shahrivar 1390 (5 September 2011) at 1 a.m. they apprehended a number of our faith brothers at the personal home; the faith brothers who their crime is being religious, humanitarianism and following the truth.

Till when could be silent? Whether again we have to be silent and watch the numerous catastrophes? Until when could we be tight-lipped and quiet? To when should we bear up the persecutions on our brothers? We defend of our rightful rights. Whether we have other means except of the defense? Are we convicted even in defense?

When our enemy puts to the sword, we throw the shield because we couldn’t encounter our compatriot. We have learned to love, even our enemies and believe that the emotions of a population are abused against us, and how can we disunion from the friends who their guilt is defense from their beliefs? How could we bear these oppressions which happen based on the beliefs?

Do we have such a trouble in principles that we should be under these oppressions?  Is not it mentioned in Holey Quran that “The most precious one of you near God is the most virtuous one”? or “There is no compulsion in the religion”? Then what is our guilt that we such are under the persecuting and mischief.