The critical health state of two veteran Dervīshes in Adel Abad prison of Shiraz

 Jalil Khlifeh and Msoud Ahmadi from Gonābādī Dervīshe,s are not well because of the troubles resulting from their injuries and negligence of the central concentration camp of Adel Abad prison of Shiraz’s officers and authorities.

According to Majzoobān-i Noor Website’s received report, Jalil Khlifeh and Msoud Ahmadi who are veteran and war stricken, because of undone medical care are in a bad state and their families are worried about their health. They claim that this litigation’s justice and authorities of Adel Abad prison are responsible for these imprisoned veterans’ health. It is said that the request of these imprisoned Dervīshes for proper condition regarding their physical state has been neglected.

Jalil Khlifeh and Msoud Ahmadi, on Sunday, 13 Shahrivar 1390 (4 September 2011) have been arrested in Kavar. In recent days, some other Gonābādī Dervīshes have been apprehended too.