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Dervishes’ lawyersTransferred to ward 209 of Evin Prison


According to Majzooban Noor reporter , Mr. Farshid Yadollahi , Amir Eslami , Omid Behroozi and Afshin Karam pour The lawyer Dervishes , are in Section 209 of Evin prison and under interrogation .

Mr . Amir Eslami and Mr.Afshin Karam pour and also Mr. Gholamreza Shirzadi a known teacher and instructor at university, who was invited by the Governer of Kavar to interfere with the problems happened there to find a way to end it then had gone to the Governor’s office to discuss the situation, were arrested there too.

Following of this illegal detention Omid Behroozi , the Nemaoolahi Gonabadi Dervishes’ lawyer was also arrested by security forces and plainclothes in “Gole Sorkh ” Square in Shiraz on wednesday 7 Sep .

But Arrest and detention of  Gonabadi lawyers and advocates Dervishes it did not stop there and  Farshid Yadollahi Farsi ,  dervishes’ lawyer was arrested and taken to an unknown place  by Violence on Sunday,11 Sep  in Shiraz.

After several days of follow-up by other laywers dervishes and  the families of lawyers prisoners , on thursday  15 September 2011 we were informed that they are in ward 209 of Evin prison for interrogation .

And The judiciary didn’t allow to those dervishes prisoners to get any lowyer and even to visit by any one else.

and there is no information about their health condition till now .