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Unawareness from Majzooban Noor Website’s managers and staffs’ state is going on


Campaign to Honor the Rights of Dervishes : Unawareness from Majzooban Noor Website’s managers and staffs’ state is going on


After three weeks from apprehension of Majzooban Noor Website’s managers and staffs, there isn’t any information about their destination.

Dervishes’ right protection campaign: notwithstanding it is three weeks that Majzooban Noor Website’s managers and staffs are arrested, we don’t have any information about them and they haven’t had any visit or contact with their families.

This report says: lawyers and Majzooban Noor Website’s managers and staffs during their detention have severely been under physical and mental pressures to accept illusory accusations including membership of anti-regime communities and action against national security and their families’ repeated attempts and demands from judicial references have been unanswered.

Also arrested lawyers and Majzooban Noor Website’s managers and staffs have been deprived of their rights of having solicitors and visiting their families. The security forces taking away their all legal and humanitarian rights push them to accept their favorite scenario.

Meanwhile the arrested Dervishes’ families including Amir Eslami and Hamid Reza Moradi who are not aware of heath state of their beloveds, are deeply worried about ill-treat and torture of them. These two mentioned Dervishes are suffered from heart disorder and require medical care.

Further, Mr. Ali Reza Roshan’s wife is anxious about her husband who has been arrested by the security forces on Shahrivar 13, 1390 (September 4, 2011).

It is remarkable that security forces have started a bulk Dervishes’ apprehension on Shahrivar 13, 1390 (September 4, 2011) whom their names are as below:

1.         Hamid Reza Moradi Sarvestani

2.         Reza Entesari

3.         Alireza Roushan

4.         Ali Karami

5.         Mehdi Osanloo

6.         Mehdi Hosseini

7.         Ali Astaraki

8.         Mostafa Abdi

9.         Mehran Rahbari

10.     Nusrat Tabasi

11.     Ali Moazami