Tag: iran

Iran is world’s leading jailer of female journalists and netizens

Ten women who work in the media are currently behind bars in the Islamic Republic The arrest on 22 July of two journalists and a photographer, including the Tehran correspondent of the Washington Post and his Iranian wife, brings to 65 the number of news providers behind bars in Iran. They include 10 women, of […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (22-07-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. On Thursday 10th July two republican senators submitted the draft plan in order to increase sanctions on Iran, not because of Iran’s nuclear program but regarding human rights issues in Iran.Women’s Right’s1. During the past week, Fatemeh Hashemi, the daughter of Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani who is […]

Ministry of Health Concerned over Sale of Iranian Kidneys

  Iran’s Charity Association for the Support of Kidney Patients (CASKP) says the Ministry of Health has to establish protocols to prevent the sale of Iranian kidneys to foreign patients. The ministry’s response, however, is that the Society must be held accountable for this problem. On Sunday July 20, CASKP chief Mostafa Qasemi told the […]

‘A Separation’ director criticized in Iran for Gaza Facebook post

  A widely-shared photo of Iranian director Asghar Farhadi and a human rights lawyer posing with a banner simply condemning “killing” in Gaza has caused controversy in Iran. A widely-shared photo of Iranian director Asghar Farhadi and a human rights lawyer posing with a banner simply condemning “killing” in Gaza has caused controversy in Iran. […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran 15th July 2014

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. The United Nation Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, said: punishment by hanging should no longer exist in the twenty-first century. Mr Ban Ki-moon requested all countries to take serious steps in abandoning the punishment by hanging. 2. On Thursday 3rd July 2014, Navi Pillay, the United Nation High […]

U.N. urges Iran nuclear talks to include human rights

  Talks between Iran and six world powers aimed at clinching a deal on Iran’s contested nuclear program should include human rights concerns, the U.N. human rights chief said on Thursday. U.N. Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said the United Nations was especially worried about executions in Iran, including the planned execution of a […]

Amnesty International : Human rights activist on hunger strike in Iran

  Human rights activist Latif Hasani, a member of Iran’s Azerbaijani minority who is serving a nine-year prison sentence, has been on hunger strike since 18 May in protest at the treatment of political prisoners in Iran. He is a prisoner of conscience who must be released immediately and unconditionally. On 18 May 2014, Latif […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (24-06-2014)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. On Friday 13th June 2014, The United Nation Human Rights Council meeting was held in Geneva, focusing mainly on the two issues of “Freedom of speech, association and assembly” and “Evaluation of the death penalties in Iran.” 2. Around 50 relatives of the four prisoners who […]

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