Tag: Evin prison

Attack On Banner of Condolences that Was Sent from Jailed Dervishes to Mr. Moradi

  A few nights ago some plainclothes attacked the alley where the late Mr. Khalil Moradi Sarvestani’s family is living and destroyed the banners of condolences that were affixed to the outside wall of the house which were sent from imprisoned Dervishes to the family of the deceased.According to a report by Majzooban Noor, some […]

17 political prisoners announce end of hunger strike: We will continue to pursue the violations

  17 of the political prisoners from Evin prison Ward 350 who had launched a hunger strike in protest of the April 17 vicious attack that took place in the prison, announced that they are ending their hunger strike while emphasizing that they continue their demand for an impartial investigation of the attack. Below is […]

Saeed Haeri, Yashar Daralshafa & Davar Hosseini Vojdan end their hunger strike

  3 political prisoners from Cellblock 3 of Ward 350 Evin prison announced the end to their hunger strike. According to CHRR, Saeed Haeri, Yashar Daralshafa and Davar Hosseini Vojdan while expressing their continued demand for answers regarding the vicious and inhumane attack in Evin prison on Black Thursday, announced that they have joined a […]

Evin prisoners’ families complain about beatings

  Irina Bukova, the Director General of UNESCO, visited historic sites and buildings in Isfahan today Monday April 28, 2014. The families of political prisoners in Ward 350 of Evin Prison have filed a complaint against four judiciary officials in connection with recent incidents at the prison. The Kaleme website reports that the families have […]

Transfer of Hamid-Reza Moradi to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU)

  This afternoon, Monday, 8 Ordibehesht (April, 28) imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish, Hamid-Reza Moradi, was transferred to the Coronary Care Unit (CCU) of Shohada e Tajrish hospital due to a extreme chest pain with shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani, imprisoned Dervish rights activist in ward 350 of Evin prison who has been […]

Emergency Transfer of Omid Behroozi to Hospital

  Imprisoned Gonabadi Dervish lawyer, Omid Behroozi was transferred to Taleghani hospital on an emergency basis past midnight for a few hours.According to reports by Majzooban Noor, Dervish rights defender, Omid Behroozi, who had a vein ruptured in his hand when Iranian guards and intelligence officials raided section 350 of Tehran’s Evin Prison, suddenly suffered […]

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