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Tag: Iran-US relations

Iranian Supreme Leader speaks out on nuclear talks

  Iran’s Supreme Leader spoke in support of the Iranian nuclear negotiators today, stressing that red lines protecting the rights of the Iranian people must not be crossed. IRNA reports that Ayatollah Khamenei addressed the Basij leaders today, November 20, 2013, speaking out against Israeli claims about Iran. He insisted that Iran is not looking […]

U.S. says Iran’s actions will dictate sanctions withdrawal

                     Jen Psaki The U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday that relief on sanctions will be proportionate to Iran’s actions regarding its nuclear program. Reuters reports that State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki said the Obama administration has not yet urged Congress to refrain from imposing additional […]

Iranian Foreign Minister gives wide-ranging U.S. interview

  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif told a U.S. television audience that the Holocaust was “a heinous crime” and a “genocide”, while blaming poor translation for the fact that the word “myth” appears on the Iranian Supreme Leader’s English-language website in reference to the Holocaust. “The Holocaust is not a myth. Nobody’s talking about […]

Arrests made after shoe thrown during president’s return

  Iranian media report that two people have been arrested in connection with the shoe-throwing incident at the welcoming party for Iranian President Hassan Rohani. The Mehr News Agency reports that a spokesman for Iran’s Security Forces announced that on Sunday September 29, two people were arrested for “the disruption of the welcoming party for […]

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