Tag: Tabandeh

Sufi master

    In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate,the Merciful Opening Statement Dr.Nour Ali Tabandeh (Majzoob Ali Shah) I am very delighted that a group of scholars are assembled in this spiritual and academic gathering to honor one of Iran’s greatest men of literature, Irfan(Sufism) and Islam.

The Sufi Path

  The Sufi Path[1] The Definition of Sufism Different definitions have been given of Sufism (Tasavof) and gnosis (‘irfan), all of which amount to much the same thing. Tasavof is the journey of the soul in search of the Truth, as well as its arrival.

Happy Eid to All

  My God! I swear you  to this day which  will be Eid for muslims and the reserve ,dignity,honor and virtue for Mohammad ( peace be upon him),I ask you  to send peace to Mohammad and his family and  enter  me  in   anything good which you entered  Mohammad and his family in it.

Observations on the Meaning of Bay’at

  HU121Hajj Dr. NoorAli Tabandeh (Majzoub ‘Alishah)[1]Bay’at literally means buying and selling, and comes from the word bay‘, although it pertains to a specific type of buying and selling. In the Qur’an, the following verse is specifically about bay’at, in which God says:(Verily, Allah has purchased from the faithful their selves and their properties, and […]

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