Dr. Noor Ali Tabandeh ( MajzoobAliShah) the great Qutb of the Nematollahi Gonabadi , in the first anniversary of Dervish Day commanded in a declaration :
هوالذی ایدک بنصره و بالمومنین
When he looked properly …
He could see his wings there…
From whom we get upset ? He said…
Everything is from our own …
The atrocities which our sufi brothers have had to face from other shia brothers , are unlike any , in the ears of history without any shame of the names of Imam Hossein and other names in the Holy Quran verses destructed them in the Hosseiniyeh of Qom , Boroujerd and Isfahan and dismissed the trusted employees and had worker from there. These beating and harsh-nesses were done only for the reason of their believes on the Nematollahi Gonabadi order . The holy shrine of our leader which is beloved by over followers was insulted and their properties were attached aggressively .
Our news were boycotted , but since we were trying to achieve a fair rule and a just government based on Alavite Islam , We did not seem it correct to be uniformed with toughness . Our simple-ness was used and with the through that the authorities responsible are not aware , we wanted to directly and peacefully connect with our members of parliament , to let them know that what had been done to us . A day was assigned for this , but our voices were shut down.
Since we hope , with all ups and downs of this society, the warning has reached the individual and collectives , that do not let ” the OH of oppressed hearts ” sharpen sharpness . Therefore with reminding all the oppressions we have faced , we advised and hoped for actions to be taken on those adjustments material and moral compensations that were inflicted , but these requests were not done. The enemy’s hand are actively try to disorder the calm and to create discord .
وسیعلم الذین ظلموا ای منقلب ینقلبون