Tag: iran

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (23-12-2013)

    Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1. Ali Motahari reported the secrete listening of all parliamentarians of Iran by the security forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran using their mobile phones. This MP added that the security institutions have become sensitive towards the activities of his office, and have planned twice […]

Amnesty International: Charter of Citizens’ Rights must enshrine human rights for all

  A draft Iranian human rights charter being consulted on this month by the Office of the President should be amended to address major gaps in the protection of human rights, Amnesty International urged today. The organization has written to the President’s Deputy on Legal Affairs to welcome the initiative, but called on the authorities […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (16-12-2013)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran 1 .The group known as Reporters-Without-Borders issued a statement in which it condemns what is now classified as the “new wave of persecutions of activists spreading news and information”3. During the past week, Esrafeel Soltaniyan, a prisoner of section 209 of Evin prison, who suffers from disabilities […]

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