Tag: iran

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards arrest internet activists

  Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have carried out a new wave of arrests of cyber activists and members of pro-opposition social networking websites. Kaleme, a leading opposition website, reported on Thursday that at least five Iranians who had shared news about the situation of political prisoners on Facebook have recently been held by the security apparatus […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (30-11-2013)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran1. On Friday 22nd November 2013, Mohammad-Hassan Yousef-Pourseifi, a political prisoner in section 350 of Evin prison, went on an indefinite hunger strike in protest against his lack of medical treatment.2 .Esmaeel Barzgari, an Azerbaijani artist and a political prisoner who is currently in section 350 of Evin […]

A Report on Dervish Rights Violation in Iran During the First 100 Days of Government of “Hope and Prudence”

  President Hassan Rohani was declared the first round’s outright winner on 15 June and took office on 3 August.Rohani repeatedly said during his campaign that “all the political prisoners should be released.” He also said on several occasions that he wanted a change “in favour of free speech and media freedom.” These promises encouraged […]

Protest against housearrest of opposition leaders, dervishes and other political prisoners in Iran

  On Saturday 30 November, members of the International Organization to Preserve Human Rights in Iran held a manifestation in support of opposition figures Mir Hossein Moussavi, his wife Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi in the crowded streets of Stuttgart, Germany. Moussavi, Karroubi and Rahnavard have been under house arrest for more than 1,000 days […]

Guards official speaks out against satellite dish seizure methods

  Senior Kurdistan Revolutionary Guards chief denounced practice of raiding homes for confiscation of satellite dishes. Brigadier General Mohamad-Hassan Rajabi has been quoted as saying: “Having agents enter homes and seize satellite dishes is not an appropriate method to combat this matter.” In a report by IRNA (the Islamic Republic News Agency), Rajabi adds: “Basiji […]

Foreign Minister: Nuclear Deal Preserves Iran’s National Interests

  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says the nuclear deal struck with Western powers over the weekend preserves the national interests of the Islamic republic. Zarif made the remarks while briefing members of Iran’s parliament on November 27 on the interim agreement, which gives Iran some relief from international sanctions. “It has worried the […]

Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (24-11-2013)

  Responses to Human Rights Abuses in Iran1 .The daughter of Parvaneh and Daryoush Foroohar, two victims of the 1998’s serial killings, informed that this year again, the security forces disagreed with holding of commemoration ceremony for her parents.2. The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly voted on a draft resolution introduced by […]

Eight Netizens Arrested While Iran Contemplates Unblocking Facebook and Twitter

  High-ranking Iranian officials are openly using Facebook and Twitter, but for the general user population in Iran, access to these social networks continues to be blocked. According to a Kerman Province Judiciary statement, the Prosecutor for the General and Revolutionary Courts of Rafsanjan said yesterday that eight individuals have been arrested recently for publishing […]

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