Tag: noor

His Holiness Mahboub Ali Shah Memorial In Evin And Adel Abad Prisons

    The imprisoned Gonabadi Dervishes’s lawyers and administrators of Majzooban Noor website ( Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Site ), held a Memorial ceremony to commemorate the anniversary of one of the “Nematollahi Gonabadi order’s Qutb” ( poles ) in section 350 of Evin prison yesterday on Mordad 5, 1391 ( Jul 26, 2012 ).

Gonabadi Dervish’s Open Letter To All Attorneys In Law On The Globe : Appeal For Justice

  To all attorneys in Law on the GlobeSubject:Appeal for Justice to all advocates, magistrates, law attorneys and defenders of human rights, from part of a victim of governmental oppression, for supportingthe courageous lawyers and their colaborators, defenders of Human rights imprisoned in Iran.

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