Tag: karroubi

Opposition Leader Mehdi Karroubi Briefly Hospitalized Amidst Rising Concerns for His Physical Well-Being

    November 19th, 2012 – [Saham News] Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi was reportedly admitted for a few hours to one of the hospital affiliated with Iran’s security apparatus yesterday. Karroubi’s transfer to a hospital by security forces took place in the wake of rising concerns and warning signs regarding his physical well being.

‘Meet with Mousavi and Karroubi during Tehran visit’ Amir-Arjomand tells Ban-ki Moon

    The spokesperson for the Coordination Council of the Green Path of Hope, the Green Movement’s most important decision making authority, has called on the Secretary-General of the United Nations to exert pressure on Supreme Leader Mr.Ali Khamenei for the release of the country’s political prisoners, in particular opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and […]

Opposition leader’s son calls for father’s proper treatment

    The son of Iranian opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi has written a letter to the “senior officials of the regime” to express concern regarding his father’s situation, urging the state to either transfer him to his home in Jamaran to continue his house arrest or to Evin Prison to be held like other political […]

Fatemeh Karroubi: “They Lie! My Sons Have Not Seen Their Father Since Persian New Year!”

      In response to the recent lies published by media outlets associated with the ruling government claiming that opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi was seen vacationing with his son in the city of Kashan, Fatemeh Karroubi stated: ” My sons have not seen their father since Persian New Year.

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