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Tag: iran


  Sepp Blatter, the president of the international soccer organization FIFA, has publicly called upon the nation of Iran to end its ban on women in its stadiums, according to the Associated Press. The move comes about a week after a group of Iranian activists sent a letter to FIFA urging it to suspend Iran’s […]

Dutch MPs Call for Freedom of Human Rights Activists in Iran

  “Harry Van Bommel” and “Kees Van der Staaij” foreign affairs spokesmen of socialist and Christian Reformist parties of Dutch Parliament in occasion of the fifth anniversary of the arrests in 2nd March, demanded the release of imprisoned human rights defenders, including Seyed Mehdi Khodaei, Nasoor Naghipoor, Mohammad Hossein Yousefpoor Seifi, Navid Khanjani and Eighan […]

Secretary-General’s March 2015 report on human rights in Iran

  Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran presented to the United Nations Human Rights Council in March 2015. Read the Report *******International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran – In his interim report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran […]

UN Secretary-General Expresses Alarm about Executions, Retaliation Against Activists and Attacks on Women in Iran

  In his interim report on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran published on Tuesday, March 3, 2015, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon detailed a long list of human rights concerns, leading with the ongoing application of the death penalty, retaliation against activists cooperating with the United Nations and […]

Rohani Adviser Says Rights Violations Hurting Iran

  Ali Yunesi, a senior adviser to Iran’s President Hassan Rohani and a former intelligence minister, has admitted that “many cases” of human rights violations are taking place in Iran’s courts and prisons, blaming them on extremists. The human rights situation in the Islamic republic is often the subject of criticism by rights group and […]

UN Must Intervene in the Environmental Crisis in Iran – Call by 11 NGOs

  The environmental crisis in Ahwaz and other cities in Western and Southwestern Iran is indeed becoming a humanitarian disaster. Dust storms which have existed for years in this part of Iran, have been significantly intensified in the last few days and made local people to breath dust instead of air” write 11 NGOs in […]

One man’s trash is a child’s treasure: The issue of child labor in Iran

  Most of the street children live in the slums of south Tehran and are sent out to work every morning by their parents. Like all big cities, Tehran produces vast amounts of garbage. But, as is often the case, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, or in this particular instance, a child’s treasure. […]

Rohani: Iran Seeking ‘Win-Win’ Outcome In Nuclear Talks

  Iran’s President Hassan Rohani says Iran is seeking a “win-win” outcome in the nuclear negotiations with global powers. Rohani made the comments on February 11 at a state rally marking the anniversary of the 1979 revolution. He said “win-win” would entail Iran showing transparency in its nuclear activities in exchange for a removal of […]

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