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Tag: Human Rights

The Supreme Court Has Overturned The 10 Imprisonment Sentence Of Political Prisoner Emad Bahavar

  The ten year imprisonment sentence of political prisoner Emad Bahavar has been overturned by the Supreme Court, and the case has been sent back to the Appeals Court. After Bahavar’s defense attorneys presented their case to the Supreme Court, the Court ruled in favor of the defense, overturning the ten year imprisonment sentence and […]

A Letter From Imprisoned Lawyers and Dervish Rights Activists to Nelson Mandela: The World Still Needs You! (2)

  A group of imprisoned lawyers and Dervish rights activists in Evin and Shiraz’s AdelAbad prison to honor Nelson Mandela wrote a letter to him.According to Majzooban Noor, the letter has been signed by the detained lawyers in ward 350 of Evin prison, Messrs. Abdolfattah Soltani, Farshid Yadollahi, Amir Eslami, Mostafa Daneshjou, Omid Behroozi and […]

A Letter From Imprisoned Lawyers and Dervish Rights Activists to Nelson Mandela: The World Still Needs You!

  A group of imprisoned lawyers and Dervish rights activists in Evin and Shiraz’s AdelAbad prison to honor Nelson Mandela wrote a letter to him.According to Majzooban Noor, the letter has been signed by the detained lawyers in ward 350 of Evin prison, Messrs. Abdolfattah Soltani, Farshid Yadollahi, Amir Eslami, Mostafa Daneshjou, Omid Behroozi and […]

Outspoken Documentary Film Maker And Writer Mohamad Nourizad Has Been Summoned

  Outspoken documentary film maker, writer and former political prisoner, Mohamad Nourizad, has posted on his Facebook that he has been summoned by Court. On July 15, Mohamad Nourizad went to visit a 4 year old Baha’i boy who’s parents are imprisoned because of their faith. Nourizad posted an account of this visit on his […]

Former president visits convicted human rights lawyer

  Former Iranian president Mohammad Khatami has visited human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who is currently on leave from Evin Prison. Sotoudeh is serving a six-year sentence for “acting against national security, propaganda against the regime and membership in the Human Rights Defenders Centre.” As well, she is banned from practicing law and traveling abroad […]

Iranian judiciary human rights envoy visits Ebrat ward of Shiraz AdelAbad prison

  The representative of Iranian judiciary commission on human rights visited the religious minorities section of Shiraz’s AdelAbad prison which is known as Ebrat Ward.According to Majzooban Noor, Thursday morning (Tir 6, 1392/ Jun 27, 2013) Mr. Seifi, the representative of Iranian judiciary commission on human rights visited the section of religious minorities and political […]

Pew Study Finds Broad International Disapproval of Iran’s Human Rights Record

  As Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rowhani prepares to take office in Tehran, he faces growing international concerns about the lack of personal freedoms in Iran. According to a new study by the Pew Research Center released on June 11, 2013, majorities in most of the countries polled asserted that Iran does not respect the rights […]

New President must deliver on human rights promises

  The victory of Hassan Rouhani, a 64-year-old cleric, in Iran’s presidential election, presents a new opportunity to address human rights abuses in the country, Amnesty International said today. Hassan Rouhani, described as a moderate and a pragmatist, made a number of pledges to improve Iran’s dire human rights record during his electoral campaign, for […]

Even on Death Row, Sunni Prisoners Mistreated for Religious Beliefs

  According to a source with information about the situation of Sunni prisoners at Rajaee Shahr Prison, the 20 Sunni prisoners who have been sentenced to death by Branch 28 of Tehran Revolutionary Court under Judge Mohammad Moghisseh are: Edris Nemati, Taleb Maleki, Behrouz Shahnamaki, Bahman Rahimi, Mokhtar Rahimi, Yavar Rahimi, Shahram Rahmati, Keyvan Rahimi, […]

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