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Tag: Iranian journalists

Iranian Journalists Stopped From Showing Solidarity With Paris Victims

  Security forces in Tehran have thwarted efforts by Iranian journalists to stage a demonstration to show solidarity with the victims of the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris. Journalists tried to gather on January 8 near the building which had housed the Association of Iranian Journalists before it was shut down by former President Mahmud […]

Judicial chief warns media to lighten corruption coverage

  The head of Iran’s judiciary says media outlets that “exaggerate” corruption charges will be investigated for illegal activities. ISNA reports that Ayatollah Amoli Larijani announced on Sunday October 12: “It is not fair for newspapers to start publishing names and condemnatory allegations before the file even reaches court.” In recent weeks, the papers have […]

Iranian journalists reject Rouhani’s new guild

  The Association of Iranian Journalists have requested that President Hassan Rouhani reopen their current guild rather than opening a new guild. The Association of Iranian Journalists (AIJ) have written an open letter to President Hassan Rouhani expressing regret that instead of pushing to have their guild reopened the president proposed a less controversial plan […]

Journalist denies propaganda charges as bail is set

  According to Radio Zamaneh, a bail of 200 million toumans was set by Evin Court for Iranian journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin on Saturday June 28. Shamsolvaezin told ISNA: “I appeared in Evin Court for the first time last Tuesday, and after discussions, the investigation was postponed until Saturday June 28.” He added: “The charges they […]

RWB publishes profiles of “100 information heroes”

  For the first time ever, Reporters Without Borders is publishing a list of profiles of “100 information heroes” for World Press Freedom Day (3 May). Through their courageous work or activism, these “100 heroes” help to promote the freedom enshrined in article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the freedom to “to […]

Reformist says Iranian journalists ‘defenseless’

  In an interview with Al-Monitor, Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, a prominent reformist journalist, chairman of the now-defunct Association of Iranian Journalists and spokesman of the Committee for the Defense of Freedom of the Press, says, “We are still hopeful.” In an interview via email with Al-Monitor, Mashallah Shamsolvaezin, a prominent reformist journalist shared his thoughts about […]

Lawyer says journalist should be tried in other court

  Iranian journalist Serajeddin Mirdamadi stood trial on Wednesday January 8 in a Revolutionary Court in Tehran for “propaganda activities against the regime” and “collusion against national security.” Giti Pourfazel, Mirdamadi’s lawyer, told IRNA that the Revolutionary Court has no jurisdiction to decide Mirdamadi’s case because charges involving the press should be heard in the […]

Journalist slams Rohani government for continued press chill

  Iranian journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin has criticized the new administration for failing to take any effective steps toward freedom of the press. Shamsolvaezin says: “In the media field, there has been no change with the arrival of the new government.” Shamsolvaezin, the editor in chief of Neshat daily, which has been blocked from publishing, told […]

Iranian journalists want association reopened

  Iranian journalists have called on the three relevant ministries to approve a relaunch of the Association of Iranian Journalists. Badrolsadat Mofidi, a member of the association, reported that a letter has been written to the ministries of intelligence, employment and culture to facilitate the reestablishment of the independent organization that supports Iranian journalists. The […]