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Tag: number

To The UN Special Rapporteur: Number Of Iranians Killed Is A Tragedy, Not A Mere Statistic

  The United Nations Human Rights Council has recently designated  former Maldives foreign minister Ahmed Shaheed as the Special Rapporteur  to investigate the human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of  Iran. Renowned Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad  (photo) has written him an open  letter. 

Letter by a number of Rajai Shahr political prisoners to the Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur

  A number of political prisoners at Rajai Shahr prison have written a letter to Ahmed Shaheed, the Special Rapporteur to the Human Rights Council at the United Nations. Rassoul Badaghi, Masoud Bastani, Isa Sharkhiz, Ali Ajami, Keyvan Samimi, Heshmatollah Tabarzadi are 6 political prisoners who have written a letter to the UN Special Rapparteur.