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Tag: statement

“Majzooban Noor Website Releases a Statement” In Protest to Current Behaviors toward Salehedin Moradi, a Right Activist of Gonabadi Dervishes

HOU121 At the time of parade and domination of ignorance, rigor and captivity of freedom and justice, when the ugly demon, violence and extremism threaten the fate and community life, anyway but some day will come and the spider webs of this evil will be unleashed and destroyed via the insight of conscience and awareness […]

Majzooban Noor Releases a Statement on the Occasion of Freedom of Four of Rights Activists of Dervishes

  Majzooban Noor Website by issuing a statement on the occasion of the release of four of the Gonabadi lawyers, announced that the motivation of this website is to break the news boycott, to follow the dervishes’ civilian rights, and also to give awareness to public and authorities about the violation of the rights of […]

Statement of 6 Jailed Dervishes Expressing concern regarding the Justice System’s Interference in Prisoners’ Medical Treatment

  Following the critical conditions of 3 captive Gonabadi Dervishes who were recently transferred back to prison without medical discharge based on the justice department’s orders, 6 of captive dervishes have issued a statement.According to Majzooban Noor, 6 of Human Rights activists in Evin and Nezam Shiraz prisons have issued a statement in protest to […]

German Foreign Ministry’s Statement on the Status of Dervishes in Iran

  The human rights officer at the German Foreign Ministry, Mr. Markus Löning expressed concern over the health condition of the two Gonabadi Dervishes who are on hunger strike.As 22 imprisoned Green Movement activists have issued an open letter urging them to end their refusal to eat.The German Foreign Ministry on Thursday (28 March / 8 […]

41 Political Prisoners at Evin’s Ward 350 Condemn the Recent Illegal Actions Against Prisoners

            In a statement provided to Kaleme, 41 political prisoners at Evin prison condemn the recent illegal pressure and restrictions on political prisoners at Evin’s general ward 350 following their revelations regarding the torture and death of the late Sattar Beheshti.

Majzooban Noor Statement on Anniversary Of Kavar Events And Arrest Of Lawyers And Administrators Of The Dervishes News Agency

    Gonabadi dervishes are Iranian citizens and their Population is not apart from Iran, therefore, every dervish as an Iranian and also dervishes population as a social organization have rights.

UN STATEMENT: Independent UN Experts Urge Iran to Ensure Protection for Rights Defenders

      In a statement released today, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran Ahmed Shaheed, Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders Margaret Sekaggya, and Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers Gabriela Knaul condemned the Iranian government’s practice of targeting and prosecuting human rights defenders.

Iranian official’s statement at UN cannot conceal persecution of defence lawyers

    Amnesty International – Amnesty International deplores the statement at a UN press conference on 16 November 2011 by Mohammad Javad Larijani, the Secretary General of the Judiciary’s High Council for Human Rights, that “[n]o lawyer is in prison because he is a lawyer or he is a defender of human rights.”

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