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Statement of 6 Jailed Dervishes Expressing concern regarding the Justice System’s Interference in Prisoners’ Medical Treatment

Dervishes 2015 evin


Following the critical conditions of 3 captive Gonabadi Dervishes who were recently transferred back to prison without medical discharge based on the justice department’s orders, 6 of captive dervishes have issued a statement.
According to Majzooban Noor, 6 of Human Rights activists in Evin and Nezam Shiraz prisons have issued a statement in protest to the treatment of 3 other dervishes. The statement is in relation to the transfer of Hamid-Reza Moradi Sarvestani, Mostafa Daneshjou, and Afshin Karampour, out of medical centre back to prison without doctor’s discharge, based on judicial authorities orders. The statement is as below:


It is incumbent upon us to consider our enemies as our ignorant brothers since we, dervishes, know one evil only, which is our own nafs (temptations). We are trained in a school where Davood (David), who is the epitome of human generosity, has declared war against Jaloot (Goliath), the symbol of human temptations. This school has instructed us to battle our own temptations and make peace with others. Therefore, we will not use the tongue that is used for prayers and benevolent purposes for malice, hatred, and curse. However, this nature of ours should not be interpreted as a weakness. Nor will it stop us from defending our body and our life which are in safekeep with us from God.

We were hoping that previous mistakes would be made up for; however, unfortunately, aching pains have been inflicted on us from different directions and have shattered our hopes.

We believe that the sharper edge of Hadrat Ali’s two-edged sword is that of peace and affection; however, we do not avoid defending our self, which God has bestowed upon us. As protective as we are of peace and brotherhood, we, inspired by the defense edge of Ali’s sword, defend our rights.

If there is a judge there, the scope of his influence and job is law, which we respect. However, we are worried about consequences of massive extension of this scope to the point that they venture opinions about prisoners’ health and consider those who work for them responsible for prisoners’ health.

The onus is on authorities of the sad land of Iran to prevent those who have a vague concept of God and humanity from fanning the flames of animosity and division, especially now that the country is on the verge of degradation.

I am telling you what I think you should know.
You choose to either learn from it or get sick of it. (Saadi Shirazi)

Farshi Yadollahi, Amir Eslami, Omid Behroozi, Reza Entesari, Mostafa Abdi, Kasra Nouri