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U.S Exports to Iran Increased 84% in August


 The U.S Census Bureau reported that the country’s exports to the Islamic Republic of Iran in creased 84 percent in August compared to the exports in July.

Iran-U.S trade in August reached $37 million showing 84 percent growth in the previous month when the figure stood at $$20.1 million.

The figure accounts only for U.S exports to Iran, because due to the U.S unilateral sanctions, the country had no imports from Iran in August.

In July 2011, Iran’s exports to U.S reached $0.1 million.

In previous years, Iran’s exports to U.S were valued at $6 million. Bust since the beginning of 2011, the US government banned imports from the Islamic Republic.

Some traders believe that despite sanctions, Iranian products including carpet and caviar are still exported to the U.S via tertiary countries.


Source: Moj News