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Undesirable state of Saleh Moradi in Shiraz Adel Abad prison


Saleh Moradi, one of Gonabadi Dervishes who had been apprehended by the security forces on Shahrivar 16, 1390 (September 07, 2011) and sent to Shiraz Adel Abad prison, now is in an undesirable situation.

According to Dervishes’ Rights Protection Campaign’s report, Saleh Moradi who after being arrested without any legal warrant, had been imprisoned in an individual cell for one month and then transferred to Shiraz Adel Abad prison, in a visit with his family told about the undesirable situation, disregarding for health cares and prisoners’ rights violation in Shiraz Adel Abad prison.

The family of Saleh Moradi visited him in a bad heath state and with shaved mustache which reveals his vile position so they are worried about his mental and physical state.

It is remarkable that these days pressures on imprisoned Dervishes had been intensified so that Amir Eslami, the solicitor of Gonabadi Dervishes for his bad health state was transferred to the dispensary of Evin and none of imprisoned Dervishes in the security section of Evin, hadn’t had any visit with their families and their lawyers.