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Security Forces Storm the Former Office of Opposition Leader Mir Hossein Mousavi


Tuesday November 7th, 2011 – Kaleme reports that the former office of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi, located in one of the side streets in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tehran was stormed by security forces who proceeded to remove some equipment from the premises.

According to reports received from Tehran, security forces confiscated a number of computers, books and personal belongings.  This bizarre and illegal move took place despite the fact that Mir Hossein Mousavi and his wife Zahra Rahnavard continue to be under an illegal house arrest that has been described by the Grand Ayatollahs and non religious authorities as ignoring all rules of law.

It is worth mentioning that this recent raid has taken place while Mir Hossein Mousavi’s daughters continue to be deprived of all visitation with their parents and security pressure on the daughters is reportedly increasing on a daily basis and at its highest levels in the past 8 months.

It looks as though this new development and the increased pressure on Mir Hossein Mousavi and his family are linked to the domestic challenges facing the ruling government and the recent wave of escalating  infighting amongst government officials as a result of the apparent failure of their inefficient and imprudent government policies.

In all likelihood,  this new wave of pressure is designed to set the stage for further media and communication restrictions and the deployment of security initiatives aimed at engaging in psychological warfare in order to over shadow the recent central bank embezzlement scandal and distract the nation from the challenges at hand.
Translations by Banooye Sabz
Source: Kaleme