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The families of lawyers and Majzooban Noor Website’s managers are worried after the first meeting in Evin prison


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After 75 days of detention of administrators of Majzooban Noor Website and Gonabadi Dervishes Lawyers , their families could visit with them, for the first time  .




After 75 days of detention of administrators of Majzooban Noor Website and Gonabadi Dervishes Lawyers , their families could visit with them, for the first time.

Some families have expressed concern about their bad physical condition and also The risk of being tortured .
According to Majzooban Noor reporter , This morning November,17,2011 ( Aban , 26 , 1390 )  Lawyers and administrators of Majzooban Noor Website : Hamid Reza Moradi , Farshid Yadollahi , Amir Eslami , Afshin Karampour , Omid Behroozi , Reza Entesari and Mostafa Daneshjou have been  visited  by their families .
It should be noted that families of Amir Eslami and Hamid Moradi were deeply Concerned about possibility of torture and pressure on these two Dervishes because they could see the sign of bruises on the hands of Amir Eslami and Hamid Moradi is also seen in a Poor physical condition.
during  visiting  time , three security officers were accompanied Hamid Moradi , therefore he could not speake to his family frankly .
It is remarkable that these Gonabadi Dervishes had been  in the security section of Evin prison,and now  after 75 days  solitary confinement, were transferred to the communal blocks.
We emphasis that Omid Behroozi and Reza Entesari have been visited by their families before.