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conviction one of the Gonabadi Dervish in court of ALeshtar city


Parviz Malekshahi one of Gonabadi Dervishes in Aleshtar city was sentenced to 3 months and one day in jail and one thousands tomans monetary fines.

According to MajzoobanNoor  reporter :  Recently, security officers   bythe order of attorney entered Mr Parviz Malekshahi ‘house one of Gonabadi Dervishes  that Dervishi ceremonies of  friday night  is held at his house,and confiscated his  items of cultural and mystical , a case for him formed as disobeying orders and insulting officials .  Finally after the  defense  of  his lawyer Branch 101 of the General

Court of Criminal city Alashtar  sentenced him to three months and one day  to charge disobeying orders of  officers  and also to three months and one day    to charge insulting  the officers . After the verdict  was  delivered to  lawyer Mr. Malekshahi ‘lawyer , Mr. Ehsan Ullah Haidari , he  objected to this verdict,but   from the Branch 10   of  Court Appeals of Lorestan province confirmed and  only his imprisonment has become a fine on charges of insulting. In the following of this report it is mentioned that on the Revolutionary Court another case for Mr Parviz Malekshahi a number of other Alashtar dervishes is investigated under the charge propaganda against the system and insulting the leadership  through participation in dervish ceremonies .