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Political Activist Ali Jamshidi Summoned to the Office of the Intelligence Ministry in Malaysia



January 6th, 2012 – [Jaras] – In an unprecedented move, Ali Jamshidi, poltiical activist, editor of the reformist opposition website Tahavole Sabz and head of the social networks Enghelab Sabz, Tahlilgaran Enghelab Sabz and television host for RASA television [the first Green reformist television station] has been summoned to the office of the Intelligence Ministry in Malaysia.

According to received reports, agents of the Malaysian Intelligence Ministry contacted Jamshidi summoning him to their office. It is worth mentioning that a while back Raja News, a website associated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), a government entity known

for exerting pressure on opposition groups, had published a report on Jamshidi filled with false accusations designed to present him as a undesirable and rouge element.

It is noteworthy that in past few months the activities of the media outlets affiliated with security entities inside Iran, aimed at eliminating opposition political figures in Malaysia has increased dramatically. According to the evidence at hand, ever since the personnel at the Iranian embassy in Malaysia were replaced a month ago, Intelligence Ministry forces have strongly sought to persuade the Malaysian government to increase pressure on Iranian political activists.
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Source: Jaras: