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4-year jail term upheld for Iraq war veteran and Mousavi supporter Hossein Zarrini


GVF — A Tehran appeals court has upheld a four-year jail sentence for Mousavi supporter Hossein Zarrini, sources told the Green Voice of Freedom.

Zarrini, a veteran of the Iran-Iraq war, is currently being held in ward 350 of Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison. He was initially arrested on 2 June 2010 and later sentenced by Judge Salavati of the Revolutionary Court to four years in prison on charges of acting against the regime, insulting the leader and the president, assembly and collusion.

The appeals court recently approved the Revolutionary Court’s verdict.

Zarrin supported opposition candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi during the 2009 presidential election.

While in prison, Zarrini went on hunger strike to protest against seventeen months of being in a state of legal limbo. Despite suffering from health problems, Tehran’s Chief Prosecutor has continued to deny him medical furlough until now.