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Gonabadi Dervish , Saleh Moradi Is held Under The Strictest Security Policy In Shiraz Adel Abad Prison



Despite the initial court hearing for Mr.Saleh Moradi Sarvestani And completed his case studies on Dey 17 , 1390 ( Jan 07 , 2012 )  he is still under pressure and have been detained in custody in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz city.


According to Majzooban reporter , Mr. Saleh Moradi one of the Gonabadi Dervishes who  was arrested by security forces and plainclothes,on Shahrivar 19 , 1390 ( Sept 10 , 2011 ), is held under the strictest security policy in Adel Abad prison .

According to the report, despite the  regime’s claim to be Islamic, this Gonabadi dervish  for obligation of prayers and the awakening dawn , has to introduce himself to the  information protection of prison and also he has to take  weekly and monthly  permits to pray there !

Saleh Moradi , at the beginning of his detention , has been held in  Intelligence detention center in Shiraz which is known as No. 100  in the heavy physical and psychological torture at about two months and till now is almost 4 months that he is being detained  in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz .

The illegal detention ( Injunction ) of this Gonabadi dervish may be extended monthly by pressure on the judiciary through the intelligence and security office .
It is notable that , Saleh Moradi is borther of Hamid Reza Moradi  one of the webmasters of Majzooban Noor (Nematollah Gonabadi Order News Site ) who  was arrested in Tehran on Sahrivar 13 , 1390 ( Sept 04 , 2011 ) and  along with Messrs.Farshid Yadollahi , Reza Entesari,Amir Eslami , Afshin Karampour , Omid Behroozi and Mostafa Daneshjou are being held  in section 350 of Evin prison now .