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Photos: Shahzadeh Garden in Mahan, Kerman


Payvand – The magnificent Shahzadeh garden, located in Kerman desert, and known as “a corner in heaven” has been registered on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as one of the masterpieces of traditional gardens.

Introducing Shahzadeh garden, Mahan-Kerman

Shahzadeh Garden is located at a point 35 km from south-eastern Kerman, and at a point 6 km from Mahan, on the Kerman-Bam Road near the altitudes of Joupar. It is an Iranian garden benefiting from the best natural situation. Shahzadeh garden, Mahan has been constructed in Ghajar Era, at 11-year old sovereignty of Abdolhamic Mirza Naseroldoleh. This garden is located near the tomb of Shah Nematollah Vali on the hillsides of Joupar altitudes. Fertile soil, sufficient sunshine, mild wind, and access to Tigaran water had made it possible to construct a garden on that scale on an arid and barren land. Shahzadeh Garden is located on Joupar altitudes in an area of 5.5 hectares, in a rectangular form and slope of about 6.4%. A long fence separates it from the undesirable atmosphere of its peripherals.

Garden’s feeling

When you enter the garden, in the whole space along the main axis landscapes of Joupar altitudes are seen. This long landscape is hidden by the huge size of the main structure and is reinforced by the trees at both sides having different colors at different seasons. The water’s overall stream along the garden’s main axis and the waterfalls and their sounds, have contributed to a high quality for this axis. Tree reflections, the facade structure and the gazebo have contributed to a relaxing feel about the garden, one of peace and solitude. Light and shade play a significant role in this landscaping. Source: Investigating the characteristics of Persian gardens: taking a close look at Mahan Shah Zadeh garden – by L. Tajaddini, Department of Architecture, Islamic Azad University-Bardsir branch, Bardsir, Iran