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Threats and beatings, a dervish in Khoramshahr

The resistance of a Gonabadi sufi the resident of Khoramshahr against some unknown people who wanted him to repent from his beliefs of dervishism led to his injuries by those unknown people. According to Majzzoban reporter Mr. Amin Azadi who was threatened by phone previously, was kidnapped by some five unknown people whose car plate was mudded not to be identified, and was transferred to a place out of the city and was tortured and beaten. Based on the reports these five unknown wanted Mr. Azadi to sign a letter of repentance of dervishism which was prepared before in the Friday prayers. This request was negated be Mr. Azadi and consequently they bit him severely which led to his facial injuries and some injuries to his chest and unfortunately some of his bones were broken. This was not the end; they wrote on the back of his shirt by color “Down with A Sufi Dog” which is a taboo insult in Iranian culture and then he was left in the deserts around the city. According to the received reports, the enemies of Sufism had written insults against Sufism on the walls of Mr. Azadi’s house and also on the walls of the house that the dervishes’ Majlis (a place of sitting used to describe gatherings of dervishes to pray to God) was held. After dervishes informed the police of what had happed, the police appeared on the scene and filmed it and removed the insults from the walls.