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Gonabadi Dervish, Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan Transferred To Adel Abad Prison



Gonabadi dervish, Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan who was held  in quarantine detention center in Shiraz for 2 days, has been transferred to Adel Abad prison.

According to Majzooban reporter,  Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan was arrested on Saturday morning in Ordibehesht 09 1391 ( April 28 , 2012 ) in Kavar, a town in Fars Province and  the arrest took place at Shamshirzan’s workplace .
After he was charged in Kavar court without the presence of his legal lawyer, transferred to the quarantine detention center in Shiraz and he was confined there for two days, after that he  has been moved to Adel Abad prison this morning on Tuesday 12th Ordibehest 1391 ( May 01 , 2012) .
It is importand to mention that he is one of seventeen Gonabadi dervishes in Kavar who have been charged with “Corruption on earth,” Moharebeh (“Enmity against God”) and carrying illegal weapons .
It should be noted that these heavy charges have been announced just only by the officers and witnesses !
Up until now, four Gonabadi dervishes , Messrs.Kazem Dehghan, Hamid reza Arayesh, Mohammad Ali Shamshirzan ,Saleh Moradi Sarvestani and Kasra Nouri are confined in Adel Abad prison on charge of ” Moharebeh “( Enmity against God ), “corruption agents on earth ” and “Illegal carrying  weapons”, “Insulting the Supreme Leader”,”Corruption on earth”, “Disturbing The minds of the public”, “Assembly and collusion against national security”, “Spread false and lies” and  “Deviant group membership” !
Kasra Nouri  has been  also transferred to  Intelligence detention center in Shiraz which is known as No. 100 for more than 2 weeks .
Our reported added that, Mr. Saleh Moradi one of the Gonabadi dervishes is held in Adel Abad prison more than seven months and the illegal detention ( Injunction ) of this Gonabadi dervish will be extended monthly by pressure on the judiciary through the intelligence and security office .