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Detained Gonabadi Dervish, Abdolghafour Ghalandari Had A Call Phone After 5 Days Of Ignorance



This morning on Mordad 20 1391 (Aug 10 , 2012), Gonabai dervish, Abdolghafour Ghalandari nejad has had a phone call to his family after 5 days of ignorance.

According to Majzooban reporter, Mr.Abdolghafour Ghalandari, one of the Gonabadi dervishes, living in Bandar Abbas, who has been arrested by plane-clothes on Mordad 16 1391 (Aug 6 , 2012) could have a phone call to his family after 5 days of ignorance.

According to the reports, as his eyes were closed with blindfold during he was detained in Bandar Abbas city and moved to Tehran by plane, he does not know about his exact location.

It seems that this Gonabadi dervish is maintained in the “Tehran Central Intelligence detention “the family of this Prisoner of Conscience said.

He has been charged with “acting against the regime” but up to now they have not taken him to court for charge explanation and during these 5 days he was interrogated for hours.

It is important to say that, at the beginning of the year 91, in a car accident, his leg and back was injured and according to specialists, his leg has needed immediate surgery but he has been arrested by security forces and transferred to detention center just before the previous time set by the doctor to operate.

That is why his family has expressed concern over his physical health condition and added that he must be under medical care.

It should be noted that except the charges of “acting against the regime” , other charges of Mr.Ghalandari are unclear yet but due to his cooperation with Majzooban Noor ” Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Site”, it seems that his detention is with the intention of putting more pressure on managers and staff of Majzooban Noor website.

It is remarkable that, new wave of arrests and harassment on Gonabadi Dervishes has begun by plainclothes and security forces since middle of September 2011 ( Shahrivar 1390) and has still continued with unprecedented intensity so that more than dozens dervishes have been arrested and injured in clashes and a dervish was also martyred by excessive bleeding from a gunshot wound …and also seven Gonabadi dervishes who are all dervishes’s lawyers and administrators of Majzooban Noor Website are being held in the security sections of Evin prison in Tehran and three Gonabadi dervishes have been imprisoned in Shiraz Adel Abad prison and unfortunately there is no information about status of theses dervishes’s cases yet.