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Gonabadi Dervish, Released After Six Days



Gonabadi dervish, Abdolghafour Ghalandari nejad, one of the collaborators of Majzooban Noor website (Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Site) resident in Bandar Abbas, was released after 6 days in detention, on 22th Mordad 1391 (Aug 12 , 2012).

According to Majzooban reporter, Mr.Abdolghafour Ghalandari, who had been arrested by plane-clothes on Mordad 16 1391 (Aug 6 , 2012) and then transferred to Tehran Central Intelligence detention by plane, After being interrogated for six days get warning not to continue cooperation with Majzooban Noor websit, he has been released.

This Gonabadi dervish, that was refused to pay 50 million toman bail said to our reporter: I was refused to pay the bail because being dervish and believe in Sufism and Mysticism is not a crime at all.

Then, he pointed that intelligence officials warned him not to have any interview with foreign media and also no continued cooperation with the dervishes news site “Majzooban Noor”. (

He added, One of the items which is wanted by intelligence agents is “an obligation to be present if necessary”.

Since middle of September 2011 ( Shahrivar 1390), security forces and intelligence agents have encountered strongly with the Majzooban Noor website’s personnel and its associates, so far, more than 20 dervishes as administrators, lawyers, staff and associates have been detained and now nine of them are still held in Tehran’s Evin and Adel Abad prison.