A Weekly Report on Human Rights Violations in Iran from August 6-12, 2012



State-run TV Inconsiderate towards the Victims of the Azerbaijani Earthquake

A Weekly Report on Human Rights Violations in Iran from August 6-12, 2012

The earthquakes which occurred in the north-west of Iran caused huge destruction and human casualties mostly in Haris, Varzeghan and Ahar city in Azarbayejan Sharghi province.Based on some reports, between 200 and 300 people were killed in this natural disaster which measured 6.2 on the Richter Scale.

Despite this severe disaster which impacted many families in Iran, the state-run, national television refused to cover this shocking event appropriately, and based on the expectations of Azeri residents. Instead, TV channels continued to show normal programs and did not interrupt television serials and special pray regarding Ramadan. This snub by the broadcasting media when its top manager is appointed by the Supreme Leader angered people who considered it offensive. These people tried to organize aid for the victims in the north-west part of the country by mobilizing assistance through social networks. (1)

Although there is a shortage of aid for injured people and damaged regions, the government rejected foreign assistance during the first two days after the earthquake. Only after did the government announce that it would accept outside humanitarian aid. (2)

This early refusal happened even though the number of victims was increasing and there were difficulties for the assistance to reach the people in need. The Iranian Red Cross had stated that they were not able to meet all demands and required assistance.

Ghoamreza Kaabai who was imprisoned since 2000, was reportedly denied access to medical leave. He is now in poor health in Mahshahr prison. (3)

Three years after the passing of their daughter, the family of Maryam Soudbar disclosed the cause of her death. She was killed during a demonstration in June 2009 from being beaten on her head by batons. (4)

In following sections you will find a number of more human rights violations in Iran.


Amnesty International issued a statement which warned about the risk of execution of political dissident Mr. Gholamreza Khosravi. It has been reported that his death sentence will be carried out on September 10. This well- known human rights organization requested the immediate halt of this sentence. (5)


RAHANA quoted a statement by the head of police in Gachsaran which informed of the closure of 31 shops in Gachsaran city due to violations to Islamic rules during Ramadan. (6)

Also chief of police in Alborz province stated, “123 tea houses were shut down and 42 coffee shops were banned in the first four months of new Persian year. The previous report for this district showed a closure of 101 tea houses and 42 coffee shops. (7)

In past week, contractual teachers from technical and professional organizations, preschools and other groups continued to gather in front of parliament to protest employment problems and a lack of insurance.(8)

Religious minorities

According HARANA, a Kurd jurist (Mamousta) was arrested in Shahindejh city while he was eating Iftar in the house of a religious man. (9)

Shahram Mokhtari, a Baha’i believer who lives in Birjand city in the north-east of Iran, was sentenced to four months in jail and a probation period of 32 months. (10)

HARANA reported that the situation of a group of Baha’i followers is not known. Their names are Adel Naeimi, Shamim Naeimi and Elham Farahani. These people were arrested 29 days ago by the intelligence agents.

Based on the group human rights defender, security forces were trying to detain at least 19 Arab activists in different cities in Khuzestan province. (12).

Abdolghafour Ghalandari, a Gonabadi Dervish who lives in Bandar Abbas, was arrested by plain clothes police officers. (13)

Ethnic minority

According Moukrian website, the appeals court in Azerbaijan Gharbi province rejected the appeal of two Boukan residents, Ghasem Rahimi Azar and Jala Naseri. (14)

Also according to this website devoted to the human rights of Kurds, Mohamamd Mahmoudi, a resident of Sardasht, was sentenced to jail. (15)

Siefolah Shakeri and Ebrahim Jangoli were arrested and taken into custody because of their involvement in a fight between Balan village residents and the police. (16)

Culture, communication and media

Based on Moukrian , Mohamamd Imamaian, a blogger and famous local journalists in Azerbaijan Gharbi province, was bitten hard by a political activist close to the government in the province. This incident happened on Journalist’s Day. (17)

HARANA reported that a host of a Facebook page was arrested by police in Hamadan province. He was charged with the promotion of moral corruption and prostitution. (18)

University and students

According Daneshjoo News, Tehran university administration refused to admit a female candidate at the graduate level in mineral engineering. (19)

HARANA reported that the fifteen branch of revolutionary court in Tehran under Judge Salavati sentenced student activist Mohamamd Hossein Mozaffari to a one year suspended jail sentence with a probation period of five years. (20)

Civil rights

Saleh Badouzadeh Shirvani, a Kurdish trader, was killed by police. He was shot near Margour, located in the border region of Azerbaijan Gharbi province. The police suspected him of smuggling. (21)


According to the website Iran Kargar, factory workers from Rangsazi Bousheer have not received their salary for the last five consecutive payments. (22)

Also HARANA reported that workers from Nasaji Mazandaran organized a protest and gathered in front of the county office in Ghaemshahr. They have not received their salary for more than 26 months. (23)

Bani Plast Gharb factory workers organized a meeting in front of the Labor department in Sanandaj city and asked for three deferred wages. (24)

Prison and Prisoners

According to a group of human rights defender, Priest Behnam Irani is suffering from poor physical health. He was sentenced to six years in jail and is being held in Karaj prison. (25)

Sied Hadi Ghaemi, a political prisoner from Gonbad Kavousi, has been refused to receive medical leave. He is an old man and was detained after the 2009 election demonstration. (26)

Prisoner of conscience Mohhamda Reza Pour Shajareh, who is suffering a serious disease, was denied medical treatment outside of prison. (27)

Some residents of Sarab city were detained for a couple of days by intelligence forces.

HARANA reported that political prisoner Manouchehr Meymanat is in poor health and currently imprisoned in Borazjan. (29)

Shahrokh Zamani, a member of the coordination council for forming labor organizations, was taken to the special crimes section of Tabriz prison. He is in a poor and disturbing condition.(30)


HARANA reported that a man accused of killing his wife was sentenced to the death penalty in the fourth round of examination. He had been acquitted in the previous round. (31)

Bakhtiar Meamari, a resident of Marivan city, was sentenced to death. The Minister of Intelligence announced his name along with Zaniar and Loghman Morady, and Hajhir Ebrahimi as four terrorist members of the political party Koumoleh. (32).

The Head of the Semnan province judiciary announced that a person who had raped a woman is nearing the last step of his execution. The judiciary had sent his file to the head of judiciary system in order to receive his permission. (33)

An elderly man was sentenced to the death in criminal court because he had accused his son-in-law in a made-up accident. (34)


Harana news agency

Iran Khabar agency

Moukrian website

Daneshjoo news website




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Main source: http://www.ihrv.org