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Grand Ayatollah Urges Boycott of Elections


On July 25, one of Iran’s most prominent dissident clerics, Grand Ayatollah Ali-Mohammad Dastgheib, issued a lengthy statement condemning the current political atmosphere in Iran and urging non-participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections.


The Grand Ayatollah, known for his outspoken criticism of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, also called for oversight of Khamenei’s position, as stipulated in the Iranian Constitution. On July 26, another prominent dissident cleric, Grand Ayatollah Bayat-Zanjani, spoke out against political detentions, deeming them prohibited according to Islamic law. 

Grand Ayatollah Dastgheib’s statements, posted an a small website called ‘Hadis-e Sarv’ and republished on Kaleme, a site affiliated with supporters of Mir Hossein Moussavi, once again highlighted his role as one of Iran’s most outspoken critics of the government of the Islamic Republic. In September 2010, Dastgheib publicly questioned the legitimacy of Ayatollah Khamenei. His remarks went unchallenged by the majority of Iran’s senior clerics in Qom.
Ayatollah Dastgheib attacked essentially every major institution in Iran’s government, from the Supreme Leader to the Guardian Council, Assembly of Experts, and judiciary.
Dastgheib reiterated his call for the Assembly of Experts–of which he is a member, though marginalized–to implement their mandate enshrined in Iran’s constitutional law by overseeing the performance and actions of the Supreme Leader. While the Assembly of Experts is tasked with such oversight, historically the Assembly has never publicly questioned the actions of Khamenei. Dastgheib also questioned the “infallibility” of the Supreme Leader, asserting that he by no means infallible and therefore should not be allowed the despotism of remaining unquestioned. The failure to oversee Khamenei’s actions, Dastgheib declared, is the “root of all the problems in the country.”
The Grand Ayatollah also criticized the Guardian Council, which is tasked with both interpreting the Iranian Constitution and ensuring proper elections. Dastgheib asserted that the Guardian Council bears the primary responsibility for the violation of Iran’s Constitution by virtue of its manipulation of the 2009 presidential elections, and reliance upon the military and security forces to maintain power rather than the rule of law. He also criticised the Guardian Council’s treatment of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, especially their house arrest in February 2011. Grand Ayatollah Dastgheib declared that the father of the Iranian Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, would not approve of the current Guardian Council’s vetting process and electoral manipulation. Dastgheib was a student of Khomeini’s.
Ayatollah Dastgheib also stated that the judiciary should not imprison people detained by the military without a legitimate and fair trial.
In the section of most note to Iran’s reformists, who are currently debating the costs and benefits of attempting to participate in Iran’s upcoming 2012 parliamentary elections, Ayatollah Dastgheib said it would be pointless for reformists to try to participate in parliamentary elections unless political prisoners are released, candidates receive the right to run in free and fair elections, and the branches of the government adhere to their constitutional responsibilities.
Meanwhile, the day after Dastgheib’s comments, Grand Ayatollah Bayat-Zanjani issued a series of answers to questions he has been asked as a religious scholar, also published to Kaleme. In the Grand Ayatollah’s answers, he asserts that Islam has traditionally characterized solitary confinement as a form of torture, which is therefore prohibited in Islam. He was again reiterated his belief that the Islamic Republic does not adhere to the strictures placed upon true Muslim governance due to its arrests of political activists and their subsequent treatment. Bayat-Zanjani is well known for his longtime enmity towards the current government in Iran. Like Dastgheib, he was also a student of Ayatollah Khomeini, the father of the 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Source : InsideIran