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Tag: Elections

President-elect says all must bow to voters’ wishes

  Iran’s president-elect Hassan Rohani says the majority of Iranians voted for “moderation, reason, collective wisdom, moving along expert paths and refraining from extremism and arbitrariness”, and the future administration will work within this framework. ISNA reported on Saturday June 29 that Hassan Rohani stressed that all must surrender to this vote, adding: “The future […]

Candidate Rohani may face belated disqualification

  Iranian media report that the Guardian Council may belatedly disqualify reformist candidate Hassan Rohani from running for president. The Mehr and Fars news agencies quoted an informed source on Sunday June 9 saying Rohani’s possible disqualification is related to his “divulging of secret nuclear intelligence in the televised debates.” According to this report, the […]

Advice for foreign reporters trying to cover censored elections

  Reporters Without Borders is a non-profit organization defending freedom of press. The following guidelines have been issued by Reports Without Borders to help journalists who are trying to cover the presidential elections in Iran. The election will be held on Friday, June 14, 2013. If no presidential candidate receives at least 50 percent of […]

As Elections Approach, Iran Remains Silent on Arrests of Journalists

 Ali Ghazali (left), managing editor of Baztab Emrooz website, and Foad Sadeghi (right), its founder, have both been arrested but not publicly charged, and Iranian authorities have released no information about their status. Authorities Must Respect Due Process and End Escalating Crackdown Iranian officials should break their silence about the status of Baztab Emrooz’s managing […]

2013 Elections: Former MP Arrested for a Political Meeting That Never Happened

  Former Member of Parliament Hossein Loghmanian and four reformist activists from Hamadan Province were arrested while on their way to Tehran to meet former president Mohammad Khatami on March 16, 2013. These arrests may mark the first detentions of political figures in relation to the upcoming June 2013 presidential elections in Iran. Hamadan Intelligence […]

High-ranking official calls for “free” elections

            Ayatollah Rafsanjani, the head of Iran’s Expediency Council, hsd called on the Islamic Republic establishment to “hold competitive, free elections that follow the letter of the law” and he recommended the exploitation of “skilled, effective and compassionate Revolutionary forces of all tastes” to find a way out of national […]

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