Declaration of 1 Ramadan 1432 Haj Dr.NoorAli Tabandeh MajzoobAliShah

Hereby I congratulate you all devout Muslims on the advent of Ramadan month and we all would like to thank to God for riveting us under his attention to see another advent.

1.    I hope with another presence in Ramadan, God completes our success to give us an opportunity to rectify our previous faults.
2.    Our greatest fault which automatically governs us is that we mistaken the path for the goal and by relying on the terms and the surface, we consider ourselves needless of the core and the depth. We believe that just saying prayers suffices and without paying attention to their meanings we just read them. Because unfortunately we think of Quran as obsolete, we call it “The spring of Quran”.
3.    We should always consult Quran, but because we put it in winter, we call it “The spring of Quran”. We sould always keep in the presence of Quran (its meaning i.e. all the perfection of high standards of moral codes, Nabovvat, Valayat, and Emamat), but we just rely on the surface and appearance and think we are needless of the meaning and depth.
4.    To understand the time of Ramadan, we ask for the appearance or the moon in the sky, but this is only the means not the goal. In this case to reach a consensus is too difficult or impossible. Therefore we have to ask the masters in religion and science to help find a way to avoid disunity and to start fasting and finishing it all together.
5.    Considering the meaning while reading Quran is important and with such reading even one Sura is necessary.
6.    We have to ask God to help us succeed in accomplishing the month with glory and without obstinacy. Fasting is not only compulsory for the patient, pregnant, etc. but also it is prohibited. Let us do what God has ordered us to do in a way he has showed us, without obstinacy, personal remarks, and habit. The sigh of a person who does not fast for God’s order is not less valued than the value of fasting.
7.    In the month of fasting, we quit our previous habit of the necessary innate habit of life and rather than that we take God’s order. Fasting does not ask us to forget eating, but wants to free us from the governing of food and to take it under the governing of our determination and even it has forbidden abstinence in some cases. Eating or not eating is not right unless it is the God’s order.
8.    We do the life’s necessities innately such as eating and other necessities. The fasting month does not want to shunt the nature from ruling the mankind, but wants the willful governing and the God’s will to regulate it.
9.    Many of the advantages of fasting in health have been discussed and repeating them is avoided here. It can be said that fasting wants to remind us of our ancestors Adam and Eve’s ignorance and wants all the human identity and even the nature to obey the God’s orders and accustom us to consider them.

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