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One Roof And Two Types of Weather! Report on Roof Cover For Courtyards and Governmental Places in Shahrekord



The Worship-place of Gonabadi Dervishes in Shahrekord city


Here is the city of Shahrekord where the worship-place of Gonabadi dervishes should be demolished due to set up scaffolding in the courtyard.

Intelligence and Security office have put pressure on Municipality to destroy this house.

Deputy Mayor of Shahrekord in an interview with “Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province network” said that this place will be demolished due to “Changing consumption” in accordance with Article 100 because house is being used as a worship-place sometimes!

he added that if dervishes do not vacate the worship-place, we will deal firmly with them.

In this report, we will find out on whether courtyard roof covering in all over the city for example Governmental Places would be considered Infringement?

Have Governmental Places been attacked by bulldozers to remove the scaffolding?

If we do pray and worship to Allah two hours per week in this house means “Changing consumption”?

Do other people not hold a Religious Speech or Mourning ceremony of Imam Hussein in their houses?

The problem is not actually scaffolds but is about holding Dervish ceremonies because the bulldozer is used for demolition not for removal the scaffolding!

At about two thousand dervishes have gathered in worship-place and have no intention of leaving. As far as security forces and riot police have warned dervishes to demolish the worship-place, dervishes decided to stay there to prevent destruction of the house and they believe that if they leave the house, it will be destroyed by fire and bulldozers, as in Qom, in Boroujerd, in Isfahan or as in other places in Iran during the last eight years!

These such conflicts should only be done with the place of remembrance of God??

why many law enforcement officers and government agencies who claim that they are Law abiding and legalist are cleared of that???