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Sudden Transfer of Saleh Moradi to Revolutionary Court/Moradi: I Leave the Prison on Parole Only

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Jailed Dervish, Saleh Moradi who is on hunger strike was abruptly taken to the Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court.

According to Majzooban Noor, on the morning of 21 Esfand 1391( March 11, 2013) Gonabadi Dervish Saleh Moradi who was suffering from severe weakness on day 55 of his hunger strike, without any prior notification was taken to the Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court to investigate his accusative case.

In this session due to deteriorating health condition of Mr. Moradi, the responsible judge for his case, issued bail bonds for his release but this prisoners of conscience by refusing that, stated that he would accept to be released on parole only. Also he told the judge that: “For a crime that I have never done, I have  been confined in jail for more than 19 months which is more than the serving a period of time that would equate to my sentence. I have been falsely accused but now I leave the prison on just parole only.”
After these words, the responsible judge for his case announced that he will send the letter
to issue and sign an order for the release of Saleh Moradi as “release on parole ” to the Prosecutor of Shiraz for the legal process of his freedom. So after prosecution agreements, legal stages will be done to release this prisoner of conscience.
It is notable that, Saleh Moradi and one other jailed Dervish, Kasra Nouri who are behind bars for more than 18 months in Shiraz’s Adel Abad prison , lunched the hunger strike to protest illegal transfer of seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers and Majzooban Noor website managers to solitary confinement of Evin prison on 27th of Dey 1391 ( Jan 15, 2013). They required prison officials to transfer back seven Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyers to the general ward of Evin Prison and called attention to their poor health status but unfortunately their request has not been answered yet and the detained lawyers of the Gonabadi dervishes are being held in solitary confinement of Ward 209 at about 2 months.
Saleh Moradi and Kasra Nouri are currently in prison, on charges of “Propaganda against the regime”, “Acting against national security”, “Deviant group (Majzooban Noor) membership” and “Interviews with foreign media, Radio Farda”, but they have not yet received a definitive sentence till now. It seems that, after 18 months, their case is under investigation in Shiraz’s Revolutionary Court.
We note in this regard that although they have been in detention more than the serving a period of time which would equate to their sentence, therefore now their detention is absolutely unlawful.