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Iran throws ailing political prisoner in solitary despite critical condition


According to reports, political prisoner Reza Jushan was transferred to a solitary cell while in critical condition in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. On Saturday August 6, at about 10 am, Reza Jushan was taken to the Intelligence Department of Gohardasht Prison where he was harassed by Faraji Nejad, the head of this department. He was then thrown in a solitary cell. Reza Jushan suffered a heart attack on August 3 but agents of the Ministry of Intelligence prevented him from being transferred to a medical facility. The lack of medical attention and conditions in a solitary cell can be very dangerous for his health.

The Jushan family who had heard the news about their son’s heart attack called the prison this morning asking about his condition and requesting to visit him but they were treated violently and insulted by Faraji Nejad.

Currently in addition to Reza Jushan, five other prisoners including Behrouz Javid Tehrani, Mohammad-Ali Mansouri, Saleh Kohandel, Farzad Madadzadeh and Arjang Davoudi are kept in solitary cells in Evin Prison’s cellblock 209 and the Sepah Cellblock in Gohardasht Prison in Karaj. There have been no reports on their condition since their transfer.

Source : Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran