Weekly report on Human Right Violation in Iran (07/09/2013)




Reactions to the violation of Human Rights in Iran

1. Following the inhuman and aggressive handling of the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance officers with women and young people in Salar Aghili’s concert on Thursday 29th August in Milad tower under the pretext of “Bad Hijab”, Salar Aghili criticized the officers’ harsh method of dealing with the situation.

2. On Monday 2nd September 2013, a number of preschool teachers across the country formed a gathering in front of the parliament in protest against unemployment.

3. Last week, 120 political and human rights activists expressed their concerns in a letter about the physical condition of Hossein Ronaghi, and wrote that: The authorities, in particular, Mr Khamenei, is responsible for any physical damage to Mr Ronaghi, as institutions such as the judiciary with Mr Khamenei as their head, are breaking the law.

4. 47 political and ideological prisoners in Rajaee Shahr prison published a letter expressing their concerns about the murder of Mr. Atta-Ullah Rezvani, a Bahai’ citizen in the city of Bandar Abbas. A section of this letter reads: “we, the signatories, demand that all rights of citizens with different beliefs remain protected at all times, and that all Iranians are under equal protection of the law without any discrimination against their beliefs.”

5. On Sunday the 1st September, some of the families of those executed for drug-related offenses, formed a gathering for the third time in front of the parliament.

Workers and vulnerable communities

1. Borujerd Labour home secretary informed about the unemployment of over 4 thousand construction workers starting from the mid-September of the current year due to the completion of the housing project.

2. In last week Habiballah Mohagheq, a labor activist in Semnan informed of reduction of 50 workers of the western steels factory after returning from summer vacation.

3. On Sunday 1st September, 150 workers of steel mill factory of Zagros in protest against the lack of attention of authorities of the office of Co-operation of Workers and Social Welfare in Kurdistan province towards their demands and pays, gathered in front of this public building.

4. On Wednesday 4th September 2013, Abdolreza Roohi, a labor activist in the Southern Pars region announced that the payment of 150 workers of the Azar Khak industry which is one of the 13th contracting companies of Southern Pars, have been deferred by 4 months.

5. Reza Shahabi, a labor activist and a member of the board syndicate of workers of Tehran’s Bus transportation who is currently on a medicine strike due to inappropriate treatment by the prion’s clinic authorities and not providing a definite treatment, is reported to have a worrying physical condition.

Sentences: death, flogging, amputation, imprisonment and detention

1. according to reports, Mr Gholami, the general attorney of Revolutionary Court of the Khomeini city claimed that ” on Sunday 1st September 2013, a person accused of drug trafficking was hanged in public in the city of Khomeini”

2. A 30 year old Kurdish citizen named Hamid Atmani, from the Bahik village, of Salmas city, was given a death penalty allegedly for drug trafficking.

3. The previous sentence of 15 years imprisonment and exile to the city of Barazjan of a teacher called Abdolreza Ghanbari was changed to 10 years imprisonment and no exile by the Supreme Court.

4. On Thursday 29th August 2013, the sentence of 70 lashes, which was given to a convicted drug dealer, was carried in public in the city of Saveh.

Women’s rights

1. Last week showed a new wave of women movement resisting against the patriarchal style society in Iran has scared the dominated rulers of Iran to an extent that they resorted to radical reactions. In this regard, Gholamreza Hasanpour Ashkzari, the successor of Basij organisation Union of the country has asked the union to not sell goods to those who aren’t dressed according to the Islamic rule of Iran.

2. 17 out of 25 female political and ideological prisoners detained in Tehran’s Evin prison, are deprived of having any off period during their sentence.

Universities and academics

1. Rouzbeh Tehrani a student activist and a former political prisoner, for the fourth consecutive years has been banned from doing any postgraduate for an unknown reason.

The rights of Religious and Ethnic diversity in Iran

1. The lawyers of Kasra Noori’s case appealed against his four years and four months imprisonment sentences which was approved by branch three of the Revolutionary Court in the city of Shiraz presided by judge Rashidi. He in accused of propaganda, acting against national security, insulting the supreme leader and membership in a deviant group called Majzooban Noor. However, branch 16 of the appeal court, presided by judges Zakerniya and Akbari did not change the sentence.

2. Mr Jamshidiyan, Manager of Information at Saheb Azaman in the city of Isfahan announced on Monday 2 September that a member of a mystical group has been arrested in the city of Isfahan.

3. During the past week, the Revolutionary court issued a separate sentence to ten Sunni political prisoners in Rajayi Shahr prison in the city of Karaj and furthermore, their cars were confiscated by the state.

4. Two Sunni students who have been studying in the Islamic University of Madineh for the past two years and were in Iran for their end of term holiday were arrested on Monday 26 August at the Iranian Airport as they were about to fly to the United Arabic Emirates. Their passports were also seized.

5. Furthermore three Christian, two of whom were Farsi speaking Christian converts, were arrested without any reason by a security officer. The arrested are: Masoud Mirzayi (a new Christian convert who resides in the city of Kara); Savada Aghasar (an Armenian Christian in the city of Tehran); and Ebrahim Firoozi who was arrested for the second time.

6. Atta-Allah Rezvanai was one of the Bahia’s community activists in the city of Bandar Abbas who was shot by unidentified individuals in the south of Iran. Whereas a few weeks have passed from his death, no one from the country or provincial authorities has yet made any comment about the reason for this murdering.

7. On Saturday 31st of August, Mordad Fathi, a member of the supreme leader’s council of Quran School in the province of Kurdistan, was summoned to the intelligence office of the city of Sanandaj.

Press releases and cyberspace

1. According to reports, the Morning News newspaper has been found guilty by the jury on the charge of publishing lies with the intent to create harm. The right to appeal has not been granted.

Other human rights violations

1. Witnesses from across the city of Tehran have noticed a significant increase of police presence who confronts those without proper hijab.

2. There have been reports that an eight -year-old child called Mehran lost his life during the time he was playing a pretend game of hanging himself in the city of Kermanshah.

3. Jamshed Sadeg Hossaini has been in prison for 5 years, and despite spending half of his sentence, he has been denied the right to a parole and an off-period.

4. On Tuesday 3th of September, after being granted permission by a prosecutor, Hossein Ronaghi Maleky was admitted to Khomeini Hospital in Tehran However army officers intervened and intimidation so he was returned to Evin prison. He is a political prisoner and along with his mother (Zolekh Mousavi) is on a hunger strike.

5. According to reports, Amir Reza Payman Arefi, a political prisoner in Masjed Soleiman prison is still suffering from jaw and teeth pain yet medical leave continues to be denied.

6. On Tuesday 3th of September, 40 years old Ali Farouki who was spending 8 years in prison for armed robbery in Rajai Shahr Persian committed suicide behind the door guard and in font of a CCTV camera.

7. There are reports that in the eighteenth day of Hussein Rounaghi’s hunger strike, his nervous system was impaired. It is so impaired that about 80 per cent of his hearing in his left ear is lost.

8. On Friday 30th August, at each year’s memorial ceremony, families of the victims of the summer of 1367 political prisoners go to the cemetery to commemorate their relatives held in Tehran khavaran but security officials prevented their entry to the east.