Guarantor of Gazelle (Zamin-e-Ahou)

guarantor of gazelle

Learn to stand in the Soul of the World
Learn to feel all the radiant colors of Life
Learn to merge with the Spirit of the Beloved
Learn to find your wings and journey skyward

Immerse in the Here and Now, in this precious Love
Hold your hands out, catch the raining snow
Kisses from the sky, winter flowers from above
Journey on and unlock the doors to hidden reality

Embrace the Spirit of Living
And you will see the Sacred Garden
Blooming for Imam Reza – the embodiment of Light
May the blessings of Angels and Divine be upon him

O’ Rose of the Empyrean
When you blossomed into smiles
The Earth never forgot your face
The hearts of poets poured like fountains

Nightingales sung your name
Lonely florets begged for your return
And the moon became the shining mirror of your Beauty
Like a guiding star in the silent night sky
A beacon for hope; worlds within worlds, a galaxy

All of Creation turned to you, illuminated Soul!
When the beautiful-bodied gazelle galloped your way
You told her there was nothing to fear
You said all danger would turn away

When the Hunter aimed his arrow upon her
The gazelle said to you:
Please tell the Hunter I must feed my children
They are starving, but I promise to return here
For I understand that my sacrifice
Serves as a benefit to other starving children

No one can speak to animals, the Hunter thought
How dare this so-called “Holy man” insult me!
And thus, he tightened his grip and prepared for release
But only to be mystified by the words of Divine serenity

Hunter, said the blessed Imam Reza
Let the gazelle go
Be patient
She will return
She has promised me

It was as if the entire forest listened
And to the Hunter’s astonishment
The gazelle returned after feeding her young
She returned fearless and sat with the Friend

The Hunter could not kill the animal
He realized her faith was greater than his
How unafraid she was of death
How willing she was to sacrifice for Holiness

He lowered his bow and realized
The Holy Imam was teaching a lesson to all of humanity
A beautiful lesson about the Way of Giving
Of compassion, gratefulness, and humility

How can you take an animal’s life
When you do not understand the lives they live?
What does “halal” mean to you
When your eating is simply impulsive?

Renounce your pompous pride
Renounce this foolish “sport” of point and shoot
The animal is not your wall trophy
Look not at the form or shape, but look inside
The earth is not your dominion
We share this place together
Be mindful to fellow Creation
And to the Master above

O’ Pearl of God’s Ocean
The Guarantor of Gazelle
The Love you teach opens the Portal of Union
Between the Outer and the Inner

Peace and Blessings to you, Imam Reza
Enlightened and Awakened one
Eighth Rose of Darling Fatima
Healer and Protector of the helpless

Beautiful Friend of Allah

~ Broken Mystic ~