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Iran arrests 3 in soccer match for carrying banned slogan


 Three people were arrested for carrying an insulting banner in the Azadi Stadium.

Last week in a game between Tehran’s Esteqlal and Gilan’s Damash a banner was brought in [the Azadi Stadium] in support of Farhard Majidi with a [well-known] slogan in which the original name the slogan was addressed to, was changed with the name of the captain of Esteqlal…

One week after this event, Esteqlal once again came to its home studio and this time security forces applied strict measures and banned the leaders of Esteqlal from entering the stadium to determine how the banner was let into the stadium. The banner was of course not brought in by the leaders but was rather a spontaneous measure by a group of fans of Farhad Majidi, the popular captain of Esteqlal.

The angry leaders stayed behind closed doors for 30 minutes when finally three people who had brought the banner in last week were arrested with their cooperation.


(Asre Iran state-run website – Aug. 18, 2011)