Seven Kurdish political prisoners in Orumieh prison, some of whom were placed in solitary confinement last December, have been transferred to an unknown location.
Tag: kurdish
Kurdish journalist imprisoned for more than 1,500 days without furlough
The violation of the most fundamental rights for Kurdish prisoners has become a common practice in Iran- namely in the prisons. Recently, a number of unknown Kurdish prisoners have launched hunger strikes to protest the deplorable conditions they are forced to endure.
Continued Arrests in Kurdistan; No News of Kurdish Activists
Last week, Iranian security forces arrested two Kurdish citizens in Mahabad, West Azerbaijan Province. Citing Norooz Website, Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA) has reported that Jalal Naseri and Qasem Rahimi have been arrested and taken to the Intelligence Agency’s office in the city of Mahabad.
Five Kurdish Activists Arrested
Khosrow Jafari, Naser Jafari and Ebrahim Kachalani are 3 Kurdish activists who have been arrested since last month and there is no news on their condition.
Cultural activists rounded up in west Gilan province and Sardasht
Twelve cultural and student activists have been rounded up in the towns of West Gilan, West Eivan and Kermanshah in Iran’s northern province of West Azerbaijan.