The ‘University of Religions and their Different Interpretations’ (URD), sounds harmless. However, can there be free inquiry and open exchange of views on religious questions in an Islamic dictatorship?
Tag: mostafa
Early Discharge From Hospital And Transfer To Evin Prison; Gonabadi Dervish, Mostafa Daneshjou
Despite doctor’s orders, Mostafa Daneshjou, jailed Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyer was discharged from the hospital and transferred back to prison on 19th Mordad 1391 ( Aug 9 , 2012).
Three Gonabadi Dervishes Were Taken Of Section 350 Evin Prison To Hospital
Three Gonabadi dervishe’s lawyers and managers of Majzooban Noor website (Nematollahi Gonabadi Order News Site) who have been confined in section 350 of Evin prison, Messrs.Mostafa Daneshjou, Afshin Karampour and Amir Eslami, were taken to hospital this morning on 11th Mordad 1391 (Aug 01, 2012).
Gonabadi Dervish, Mostafa Abdi Was Summoned To Tehran Revolutionary Court
Gonabadi dervish, Mostafa Abdi, would be summoned to Branch 15 of Tehran’s Revolutionary Court for next Shahrivar 28 1391 (Sept 18 , 2012).
Iran Poet Sentenced to Three Years Prison
Iran’s nationalist poet, Mostafa Badkoobei aka Omid, was today sentenced to three years prison and five years ban from reciting poetry in public.
About which Islam is the world quarrelling?
Interview with Dr. Seyed Mostafa Azmayesh, expert in Islamic law and religious sciences: “This despotic dark system, which is acting under the name of Islam, is no longer defendable and the thinkers, the politicians of the western countries must open their eyes and see the reality of the things.
Not to burn, but to learn
Speech by Dr. Azmayesh during a hearing held in the flemish parliament, Belgium on 20th of June. Tribal tradition preexisting Islam Before the apparition of Islam, in the Arabian Peninsula, an important quantity of ancient tribal traditions – mostly based on superstitions – were used to be believed and practiced between people of […]
Gonabadi Dervish, Hamid Reza Moradi Was Hospitalized In “Modarres Hospital”
According to Majzooban reporter, it is for the third time that Gonabadi dervish, Mr.Hamid Reza Moradi was taken to “Modarres hospital” in Tehran and hospitalized there during the last month .
Gonabadi Dervish, Mostafa Daneshjou Was hospitalized
Gonabadi dervishes’s lawyer, Mostafa Daneshjou was hospitalized after his critical condition got worse.
‘End stoning and cutting of hand forever,’ urges reformer Mostafa Tajzadeh
GVF — Incarcerated political activist Mostafa Tajzadeh has called on Iran’s judiciary to impose a ban on death-by-stoning penalty “once and for all”.