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Jailed Iran activist Hoda Saber ‘dies on hunger strike’


A jailed Iranian journalist, Hoda Saber, has died after going on hunger strike, an opposition website says. said he died of a heart attack after being transferred from Tehran’s Evin prison to a hospital.

Mr Saber, in his 50s, went on hunger strike on 2 June to protest about the death of Haleh Sahabi at the funeral of her activist father, Ezatollah Sahabi.

Mr Saber was jailed after the disputed 2009 elections that saw President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad re-elected.

He had also served several prison terms since 2000.

‘Cardiac complication’

“Security forces on Friday transferred him from Evin prison to Modarres hospital due to cardiac complication induced by his hunger strike,” said.

“But the damage of the cardiac complication… was too severe.”

Haleh Sahabi, 55, herself an opposition activist, died on 1 June during a confrontation with security forces at her father’s funeral.

There are reports she was hit by security forces and died of a heart attack.

Funerals involving other opposition figures have also been broken up.

She had been allowed out of prison to attend her father’s funeral. Ezatollah Sahabi was a former MP and prominent dissident.

Iranian officials denied any clashes with security had taken place at his funeral.

Ezatollah Sahabi was a member of the interim government installed after the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, which resigned in protest over the takeover of the US embassy in Tehran.

He died of stroke in a Tehran hospital on 30 May at the age of 81.

The main source of this news from ” BBC News “