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The Catholic Academy in Berlin hosted on Tuesday, 7.06.2011 the conference “The religious minorities in Iran”.


Three representatives of religious groups in Iran talked on this subject in front of guests from the german parliament and other institutions.

Mrs Mahin Mousapour represented New Christians, Prof. Dr. Ingo Hofmann spoke about the Bahai community and Dr. Azmayesh talked as an Islamologue and as the representative of the Nematollah Gonabadi Order outside of Iran. Mrs Mousapour made clear that the regime is afraid of the spreading of the Christian believe. Many Iranians feel that the Islam that is being presented to them by the regime is too brutal to be accepted as a religion and seek sothing in the Christian faith. If a person is being discovered as belonging to the New Christians who have converted from Islam the regime puts these persons into jail and uses methods of torture and propaganda to make them repent and return to be a Muslim.
Prof. Hofmann introduced one of the principles of Bahaism when he quoted Bahaullah the founder of Bahaism: “Each person shall choose his or her own religion”. Then he gave some examples of how the regime excludes Bahai from education and social engagement. He characterized the regime as a propagator of hatred and vileness and showed the long story of struggle with conservative Mullahs in Iran. 
Bahai, New Christians, Sunni and Dervishes are being regarded by the representatives of the regime as a danger to the shiite ideology in Iran and find themselves campaigned against. The regime of Ali Khamenei does not want to tolerate these groups because it regards them as corrupt and deviant.
Dr. Azmayesh briefly outlined the frame of the system of Velayat-e-faghi as designed by the late Ayatollah Khomeini and applied by Ali Khamenei. Khomeini introduced Islam as a political theory and not as a religion and added the principle of a supreme leader who acts as a representative of God. By applying this principle Khomeini opened the doors for only obedience and closed the doors to thinking. Best and current example was given by the abolishing of university subjects like philosophy, sociology or psychology recently through the high council of the Cultural Revolution. Here the plans are to replace thinking by an armada of revayat and sayings attributed to the prophet, which are a source of superstition in many cases. In fact the Supreme leader never tolerates contradiction of anybody becaus that person would contradict God according to the ideology of Velayat-e-faghi.
Dr. Azmayesh focussed on the antagonism of Sufism to the ideology of the regime and made clear that Sufis advocate a secular government and a clear separation between the state and any religion. They favor the possibility of diversity and free choice of belief. Whereas ideologues of the regime like Mesbah Yazdi talk about Islam as being based on force and violence, Sufis practice mutual understanding, awareness, tolerance and love. A strong reason of this system in Iran to persecute dervishes.