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Tag: minorities

Yunesi: We Are Under Pressure From Both Sides

  The special assistant to president Hassan Rouhani in ethnic and religious minority affairs Ali Yunesi said that some refrain from mentioning religious minorities or ethnic groups while there are those who insist on peripheral and non-priority issues such as the “mother tongue and make the work of this administration more difficult.” He posted these […]

Rohani vows government to be more inclusive of various groups

At the inauguration ceremony for Iran’s new administration, President Hassan Rohani announced that the executive will enlist the power of Iran’s ethnic and religious minorities as well the country’s women and youth. Iranian media report that the new president emphasized that all groups have equal rights in the eyes of the government and no official […]

Stop the persecutions of religious minorities in Iran

  Fundamentalist forces struggle for absolute power in Iran. They use all different kinds of accusations, allegations and demonisations against each interpretation of Islam that differs from their own violent interpretation and against the impact of other religions. For more than 8 years Darvishes, Baha’i, Sunnis and Christian converts face brutal campaigns against their buildings, […]

Karim Lahidji: The International Community Must Pay More Attention To Rights of Religious & Ethnic Minorities In Iran

    Messers Ahmed Shaheed, special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, and Heiner Bielefeldt, special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, issued a joint statement today expressing concern over the situation of religious minorities in Iran.

UN experts on Iran and freedom of religion concerned over situation of religious minorities in the country

  GENEVA (20 September 2012) – The United Nations Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ahmed Shaheed, and freedom of religion or belief, Heiner Bielefeldt, welcomed the release of a Christian Pastor charged with apostasy, but expressed deep concern over the arrest and detention of hundreds of […]

Yazd Judiciary official promises crackdown on religious minorities

    The head of the Yazd Judiciary, Gholamhossein Heidari said in the meeting of the Ethnic and Religion Commission of the Yazd Security Council, “If ethnicities, groups and various religions that are known as ‘Zaleh’ [meaning worthless] and the government does not recognize carry out activities in an attempt to cause disruptions and problems […]

EU resolution on Iran, recent breaches of human rights against Minorities and Sufis

  insideofiran – Whereas a state-supported defamation campaign against (Shia) Nematullahi Sufis depicting all forms of mysticism as satanic and persecuting Sufi worshippers, is continuing, the most glaring example being the armed attack in Kavar in September 2011, which killed one person and left others seriously injured;

The Catholic Academy in Berlin hosted on Tuesday, 7.06.2011 the conference “The religious minorities in Iran”.

  Three representatives of religious groups in Iran talked on this subject in front of guests from the german parliament and other institutions. Mrs Mahin Mousapour represented New Christians, Prof. Dr. Ingo Hofmann spoke about the Bahai community and Dr. Azmayesh talked as an Islamologue and as the representative of the Nematollah Gonabadi Order outside […]