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Representatives of religious minorities call for unity facing a brutal regime in Iran

At the United Nations in Geneva, Südwind organised another side-event on human rights in Iran on the 9th of June 2011. Mrs Nazanin Ansari, London, highlighted the deplorable situation of Ayatollah Boroujerdi in jail and focused on the situation of secular Muslims in Iran. Dr. Gholmorad Moradi, Heidelberg, talked about what happens to Yarsan believers, Dr. Mostafa Azmayesh, Paris, gave an appeal to all Iranians who oppose the regime to be active not only when their own community is being persecuted but to take defence of any other community that is being attacked by the regime. He stressed on the fact that he as a Sufi talks in favour of Bahai or Christians or others who face persecution. Mrs Diana Ala’i, Geneva, approved the appeal and gave the same appeal herself. She talked about the latest events concerning the imprisonment of the Bahai leaders in Iran. Mr Mansour Borji, London, gave the example of a friend Vahid who was a drug addict and was healed when he converted to Christianity. Back in Iran he tried to help drug addicts to give up their addiction and found himself in jail where he is still being kept. Mr Borji mentioned the increasing agitation of high regime ideologues against Christians, Bahai and Sufis and deplored the spreading of an atmoshpere full of hate against anyone who thinks or believes differently than the regime would like them to believe.

Helmut N. Gabel