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Yazd Judiciary official promises crackdown on religious minorities




The head of the Yazd Judiciary, Gholamhossein Heidari said in the meeting of the Ethnic and Religion Commission of the Yazd Security Council, “If ethnicities, groups and various religions that are known as ‘Zaleh’ [meaning worthless] and the government does not recognize carry out activities in an attempt to cause disruptions and problems for the Holy Islamic system, they have to be seriously stopped and dealt with”.


“Also according to these principles, ethnicities and various religious groups have to abide by Islamic principles and they should not in any way cause any disruptions in the country”, he added.

He then warned about the influence of some ‘Zaleh’ sects in the minds of young people and said, “If some of these sects such as Wahhabis and Baha’is try to cause problems for the country and people they will be seriously dealt with”…

The head of the Yazd Judiciary cited the allocation of a special branch in court, courts of first instance and courts of reviews in the province to deal with the cases of various groups and ethnicities and said, “Fortunately, Zaleh sects have had very little advertising operations in Yazd and the very little activities that they have carried out have been seriously dealt with”. (ISNA state-run News Agency – Jan. 16, 2011)

Source : Freedom Messenger